Please submit your technical papers for the following topics:
Track A: Efficient, Inclusive and Safe Road Management
To ensure that road and road related infrastructure are managed efficiently, inclusively, and safely, road administrators are responsible for a wide range of tasks from planning for effective road networks to managing road infrastructure and transportation system in order to promote economic growth and social development as well as to improve the lives of citizens across the country. In addition, road safety is also an important issue that need to be addressed in road operators. The safety for all road users is a significant concern in low-income and developing countries with 90% of road traffic fatalities occurring in these countries. Improving road safety is essential towards achieving social equity in accessibility in rural areas. The ten key topics are to be addressed by this track.
Topic A.1 : Road Transportation Planning
Topic A.2 : Operation and Management in the Road Sector
Topic A.3 : Road Development and Management Tool
Topic A.4 : Road Transport Administration and Strategic Improvisation of Project Management
Topic A.5 : Social Equity and Accessibility
Topic A.6 : Gender Inclusion in the Road Sector
Topic A.7 : Public-Private Partnership to Boost the Road Infrastructure
Topic A.8 : Road Safety Management Practices and Processes
Topic A.9 : Measures of Improving Road Safety
Topic A.10 : Road Pavement Bridge, Tunnel, and Other Infrastructure Management
Track B: Smart Mobility, Digital Technology and Innovation for Roads
Mobility on roads is a crucial aspect of modern society, enabling people to access essential services, engage in economic activities, and connect with others. The application of new technologies and digital transformation concept in road transport can optimise the road network operations and enhance the intelligent transportation system. Connected and automated vehicles are also the future of transportation. Preparing road infrastructure is therefore essential towards digitalisation and modernisation for connected and automated driving. The implementation of emerging technologies and innovations can help supporting road agencies during the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of roads. The ten key topics are to be addressed by this track.
Topic B.1 : Mobility in Urban Development
Topic B.2 : Intelligent Transportation System
Topic B.3 : Digitalisation and Building Information Modeling in Transportation
Topic B.4 : Innovation for Mobility
Topic B.5 : Application of Emerging Technologies in Road Transport
Topic B.6 : Connected and Automated Vehicles
Topic B.7 : Artificial Intelligence in Road Transport
Topic B.8 : New and Innovative Methods and Strategies
Topic B.9 : Electric Road System
Topic B.10 : Innovative Renewal and Rejuvenation of Aging Infrastructure
Track C: Sustainability and Resilience of Road Networks
Sustainable and resilient road infrastructure and networks are vital for ensuring the serviceability and reliability of road transportation systems. An increasingly significant global impact of climate change and natural hazards such as floods, landslides, and earthquakes have a devastating impact on road networks, disrupting transportation and causing significant economic and social harm. Road administrators need to consider the resilience of their networks, develop robust disaster management plans, invest in resilient infrastructure designed to mitigate the impact of these events, as well as ongoing monitoring and adaptation to changing conditions. In addition, decarbonisation efforts, such as the use of low-carbon materials and the adoption of sustainable construction practices, can also make transportation systems more resilient to the impacts of climate change and reduce the carbon footprint of road construction and maintenance. Several issues that need to be addressed include how there can be a reduction in emissions, the use of zero emission vehicles, as well as strategies such as pricing and business models that encourage their adoption. The ten key topics are to be addressed by this track.
Topic C.1 : Improvement Measures for Transportation Decarbonisation and Carbon Neutrality
Topic C.2 :Sustainable Transportation related to Environmental, Economical, Social, and Engineering Aspects
Topic C.3 : Resilience Road Infrastructure to Extreme Natural Events and the Environment
Topic C.4 : Natural Hazards and Disaster Management for Road Networks
Topic C.5 : Road Transport Sustainability and Resilience in the Context of Climate Change
Topic C.6 : Climate Change Adaptation Actions for Road Infrastructure
Topic C.7 : Environmental Sustainability in Road Infrastructure and Transport
Topic C.8 : Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Road Sector
Topic C.9 : Promotion of Use of New or Cleaner Energies in Road Transportation
Topic C.10 : Road Infrastructure Design for Sustainability and Resiliency
Authors are welcome to submit abstracts (not exceed 300 words) by the deadline of 30 April 2024. All submissions must be made online via
If there is any enquiry, please contact conference secretary of the iCHE2024 via email
Important Date
Abstract Submission Deadline | : 30 April 2024 |
Abstract Acceptance Notification | : 15 May 2024 |
Draft Paper Submission Deadline | : 31 May 2024 |
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification | : 15 July 2024 |
Final Paper Submission Deadline | : 15 August 2024 |
Conference Day | : 4-6 September 2024 |
Outstanding Paper Awards
The following are the award categories for iCHE2024:
- Best Practical Paper
- Best Innovation Paper
- Young Professional Award (under 35 years of age)
Papers presented at the iCHE2024 will appear in the Conference Proceedings, which will be made available to registered participants. Selected high-quality papers in this conference will go through a fast-track formal reviewing process for potential publication in the Transportmetrica A journal.